Rooster sounds used back before alarm clocks shook us conscious to greet the morning with bleary-eyed confusion, roosters performed that daily duty. Now, a new study shows that roosters don't need the light of a new day to know when it's dawn—rather, their internal clocks alert them to the time. Download this rooster sounds sing app than can be used as ringtone, messenger tone and alarm.
Rooster 1 - Cacaraca
Rooster 2 - Chicchirichiii
Rooster 3 - Cock a doodle do
Rooster 4 - Cocorico
Rooster 5 - Coucouroucou
Rooster 6 - Kikeriki
Rooster 7 - Kokoroo
Rooster 8 - Kokot
Rooster 9 - Kokouukuuu
Rooster 10 - Kukareku